102: My Health Journey: They say I need a transplant

I’ve been quiet for the past several weeks. I’ve needed to process what was happening and get myself on stable ground before letting you in. Initially, I didn’t want anyone to know. But this was huge news and keeping it from you isn’t how I roll. So in this week’s episode I am sharing my…

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077: My Lupus Journey with Margaret Romero

This week’s episode of the Sacred Medicine Podcast, I share my Lupus journey. Plus, I launch my 7 Day Lupus Challenge following the airing on this podcast! 11 years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis. And, in honor of Lupus month, I wanted to share my story with you. In this episode I talk…

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Those dark days…

I remember those days of waking up to severe joint and muscle pain. The mere thought of getting out of bed or waking up to fistfuls of hair on my pillow was enough to contemplate thoughts of ending my life. Not only was there immense sadness and fear but also frustration of feeling helpless despite…

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Gratitude and a Gift!

I just love this time of year, the crisp air and the smell of pie baking in the oven, although I could do without those extremely cold days!  With Thanksgiving upon us, there are car loads of family coming in for a few days. As always, I prep my own gluten free stuffing along with a…

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Who Do You Turn To?

  While commuting home one day from Grand Central Terminal, I glanced over to another train that was headed in the same direction. I happened to notice the depth of facial expressions on those commuter’s faces. Some were sad, some were busy on their phones or computers, and others were in mid-conversation. The ones deep…

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