142: WFW – Lupus Mini-Series #4, Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms that affect almost everyone with a chronic condition, especially autoimmunity. Today I talk about some reasons behind your fatigue, most likely things you’ve never even heard of. Subscribe to the podcast on: Apple Podcasts / Stitcher / Google Play
125: Women’s Wednesday: Is Vyvanse the Modern Day Speed?

I’m on a rant this week about this modern-day drug given to help women with fatigue. The negligence amazes me. Listen in to find out why I’m so fired up and the consequences it has on your body. Subscribe to the podcast on: Apples Podcasts / Stitcher / Google Play
MTHFR Is Not A Dirty Word

Do you suffer from one of these: depression, fatigue, heart disease, migraines, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, cancer, miscarriages, or high homocysteine levels? You may possibly have a genetic mutation of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate) enzyme. This enzyme helps our body convert vitamin B9 (folate), into a usable form called methylfolate. If you do have this genetic mutation, guess…
Are You On The Brink Of Crashing?

You know what it’s like when you wake up and you feel like you never slept? Or its 3pm and you can so go to sleep, you feel your eyes starting to close. You run to get some coffee, triple shot of espresso, please. Then its bedtime and you try to sleep, and guess…
Those dark days…

I remember those days of waking up to severe joint and muscle pain. The mere thought of getting out of bed or waking up to fistfuls of hair on my pillow was enough to contemplate thoughts of ending my life. Not only was there immense sadness and fear but also frustration of feeling helpless despite…