I remember those days of waking up to severe joint and muscle pain. The mere thought of getting out of bed or waking up to fistfuls of hair on my pillow was enough to contemplate thoughts of ending my life. Not only was there immense sadness and fear but also frustration of feeling helpless despite being on some heavy duty medications.
I’m grateful for the lessons and the growth that brings me to where I am today: vibrant, full of energy, and loving my life, exactly as it is. I can now go dancing and wake up everyday without a drop of pain. It’s taken me years to get to this place. To rebuild my body, balance my hormones, and restore vitamin deficiencies, all things that not one single specialist looked into. Today, I work out at the gym, weight train and have regained all the muscle that atrophied. Yes, every single muscle in my body weakened and I lost all muscle tone because I could barely walk due to the pain so I would just lay around, swollen and in pain.
Sadly, I didn’t find the solution with my specialists. It was all dome and gloom during every single visit. No, the solution took me years to figure out. Countless tests, monthly blood draws. I essentially became a mad scientist. Trying thousands of dollars worth of supplements, then retesting myself. Finally developing 4 pivotal elements that form the basis for overcoming lupus. These elements can also be used for other autoimmune disorders.
Everyday I read countless comments and threads on social media of the suffering and the pain that inflicts so many. I knew I had to share what I learned and finally, I am happy (actually I can’t even contain myself!) to share everything I know in my new Overcoming Lupus: The Foundational Course. Everything you need to get started is jammed packed into 4 weeks! Nothing like this exists and it’s finally about time that you learn what to eat, what lab work is crucial, and what supplements are critical in healing an autoimmune inflicted body. Each week you will learn a new topic and how to implement it into your life. I can almost guarantee that not a single specialist has performed any of these tests and if they did, didn’t know how to manage them properly.
I’ve lived this and can intimately tell you that those typical symptoms of pain and fatigue are reversible. I remember those dark days and I can help you get out of yours. How do you want to feel this new year? What do you wish for? Are you ready to finally live the life you so desire, one without pain and fatigue? What would you do with your one precious life?
You can get all the juicy details for Overcoming Lupus: The Foundational Course here!
Grateful for you,