094: Women’s Wednesday: Has Your Libido Flatlined?

This week on the podcast I am talking all about your libido! This is my favorite topic. Listen in to find out the most common reasons for low to zero libido and what to do about it. And, find out why I love self-pleasuring and why I think it’s so important! Subscribe to the podcast…
093: The Dangers of Breast Implants with Dr. Kayte Susse

I have an amazing interview today with Dr. Kayte Susse. She has had a remarkable journey since having breast implants. In this episode she shares her story of how how breast implants wreaked havoc on her body and shares what she knows about breast implant illness education and recovery. We jammed on: Kayte’s symptoms and…
092: Women’s Wednesday: Breast Health: Taking Care of the Girls

This week’s Women’s Wednesday is devoted to breast health. In this episode I offer a few simple self care techniques for your breasts. I talk about tender breasts, underwire bras and breast massages. I also encourage monthly self breast exams and discuss thermography versus mammograms. Love up your girls! Resources from this episode: Earth Tonics…
086: Women’s Wednesday: 3 Possible Reasons for Your Fatigue

Do you want to know why you may be feeling so tired all the time? In this episode, I share 3 common reasons that are, at times, overlooked and the lab work you need to ask for at your next doctor’s appointment. 3 Possible Reasons for Your Fatigue: Thyroid: Full thyroid panel including: thyroid peroxidase,…
084: Arousal Session with Pamela Madsen

This week, I have a sexy episode for you. Joining me is the founder of Back to the Body, Pamela Madsen. Pamela is also the author of the book, Shameless: How I Ditched The Diet, Got Naked, Found True Pleasure and Somehow Got Home In time to Cook Dinner. In this episode, we talk intimately…