122: Treating Infertility Using Functional Medicine with Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark is a certified life coach with accreditation from the International Coaches Federation and a health coach with training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is also the author of Fabulously Fertile – Supercharge your Fertility Naturally. Her in-depth knowledge of using functional medicine is profound when it comes to treating infertility. She…
120: Women’s Wednesday: Avoid Putting These Things In Your Vagina!

Our beloved vaginas, I discuss all the ways to keep her less irritated and happy! From dirty fingers to paragon filled lubricants. You don’t want to miss this episode! Resources: LInks to natural lubricants: https://goodcleanlove.com/products/almost-naked-organic-personal-lubricant https://www.sustainnatural.com/products/organic-lubricant Organic tampons: https://www.sustainnatural.com/pages/superior-organic-tampons-pads-liners Best sex toy brand: https://www.lelo.com/sex-toys-for-women Subscribe to the podcast on: iTunes / Stitcher / Google Play
118: Women’s Wednesday: Women’s Heart Health, Two Simple Lab Tests You Must Have Done

If you are a woman in your early to mid 30’s, I highly recommend getting 2 lab tests that can reveal early heart disease. Today, I discuss their importance, as well as, supplements to help with decreasing elevated levels. Results should be: CRP-HS= 1.0 or less Homocysteine= not higher than 10-11. MTHFR- if + take…
114: Women’s Wednesday: How to Fire Your Doctor

Listen to my recent encounter with a sub-par doctor. I want women to have the courage to end a patient-doctor relationship that is not working. If you do not feel seen or heard, it’s time to move on. Subscribe to the podcast on: iTunes / Stitcher / Google Play
097: Women’s Wednesday: Healing Vaginal Yeast Infections

Do you suffer from recurrent and annoying yeast infections? Well, then this is the episode for you. It goes beyond Diflucan or Monistat and even most likely more than wjhat your GYN has ever told you about! Download The Treating Vaginal Yeast Infections Information Sheet: Subscribe to the podcast on: iTunes / Stitcher / Google Play