186: Stop Giving Your Power Away

This week’s WFW is all about getting your power back. From whom? From your doctor. Yes, at times, we tend to hand it over to them and allow them to make whatever decisions they determine over OUR bodies. Become informed, Do your research. Get a second opinion if you aren’t happy. Want to connect with…
185: Brain Fog and Memory Issue Solutions with Dr. Tim Jackson

My guest today, Dr. Tim Jackson, will be going over the importance of your mitochondria. The mitochondria are responsible for the energy within your cells. When these aren’t functioning well, you won’t perform as well, and your energy will be depleted. He talks about all the ways you can increase the health of your mitochondria…
184: Variants and What You Need to Do Now

These variants have caused so much stress, even those who have been vax. Today I’m talking all about what you need to do now to build your resistance and actually be healthier! BTW if you’re not getting my semi-weekly emails, sign up here. Want to connect with Margaret? Follow and connect with Margaret on Instagram…
183 Libido, Arousal, Intimacy, Sex Toys Oh MY!

My guest today was such a blast, her sheer openness about sex is fun and light. Susan Bratton is the co-founder and CEO of two corporations: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart-connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC., a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. You’ll…
182: Don’t Sit on a Positive ANA Result!

Today’s podcast is talking all about what to do when you get a positive ANA. I never recommend sitting on it and waiting for your body or symptoms to worsen which is what most rheumatologists out there do! It’s time to be proactive! Take a listen and let me know what you think! Want to…