10 Things I Never Do: Health Tips From a Functional Medicine Practitioner

There are some things in my life that I just never do and I’m sharing them with you today to infuse some healthy habits into your current daily lifestyle. You may be practicing some of these already and if so, bravo! 8 Things I Never Do: Health Tips from a Functional Medicine Practitioner Use deodorant…
5 Things to Never Do If You Have Low Thyroid

If you have hypothyroidism, or low thyroid, most likely you are taking a replacement such as Synthroid or a more natural alternative such as Armour. There are 2 thyroid hormones, T4 and T3. T3 is the active form that your body utilizes, so T4 needs to be converted to T3, the active form. If you…
A Peek Into My Everyday Life

I adopted this from a recent magazine and it gives you a little peek into my life and my home.
The One Addiction You May Not Know You Have

What do you think is the one thing that is as addictive as cocaine? It may quite possibly be in your home, in your kitchen, and your children are at risk of becoming easily addicted to it. Take one guess. You may never think you have an addiction, or at least not one that involves…
5 More Tips to Prepare the Body for a Future Pregnancy:

Here are 5 more tips to prepare your body for pregnancy. In case you missed the first 5, find it here. 1. Avoid alcohol/ quit smoking: This may seem so obvious, but I still see pregnant women smoking! If your partner smokes, the second hand exposure may cause difficulty conceiving. Starting to wean…