Are you someone who feels you get enough vitamins from your diet and don’t need to take any extras?
Well here are five clues that you may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency.
1. You feel sluggish or are easily winded
This may indicate iron deficiency anemia. Many women struggle with this. It can be easily remedied with an iron supplement, usually 18mg a day. But have your iron levels checked by your doctor the next time you get your blood drawn. Iron is also found in red meat, spinach and raisins, among other foods.
2. Frequent colds and/or depression

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You may have a Vitamin D deficiency. This is one of the most important vitamins out there. Vitamin D is easily absorbed through our skin, about 15-30 minutes a day with minimal SPF.
Most of us are very deficient, we tend to work all day when the sun is out or stay in air conditioned places during the summer.
Blood levels should be around 60 for optimal health and between 70-80 if you have an autoimmune disorderd. If you travel in planes frequently, its important to keep your immune system up to par with this incredible supplement.
At times, there are some foods that are vitamin D fortified, but these foods are not quite as robust as we need. Dosage is dependent on your results and health history and ranges from 1000IU to 5000IU daily. Caution: you can overdose on Vitamin D.
3. Tingling or numbness to upper or lower extremities
You may have a B12 deficiency. I see this commonly in individuals who are vegetarian or vegan. Animal protein has a sufficient amount of B12. If you do not eat animal protein, you should be supplementing daily with 500-1000 mcg daily. It is a water soluble vitamin and you will urinate out any excess. This will also help any fatigue you may also be experiencing.
4. White spots on your fingernails
Zinc deficiency may be the culprit. If the white spots are not a result of trauma, you could be lacking zinc in your diet. Eat more seafood such as oysters, seafood, nuts or seeds, and beef.
5. Premature gray hair

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This can be caused by a vitamin B5 and B6 deficiency. Lack of B6 can stop your body from producing your hair’s natural color.
If a vitamin B5 or B6 is the culprit, taking supplements can potentially reverse the gray!
You can find these vitamins in egg yolks, organ meats, and vegetables. You can also supplement it with an Ultra B-Complex.
Your Turn
I hope these tips have shed light on any little pesky deficiencies you may have or think you have. The good news is that a vitamin deficiency can be easily remedied with a supplement.
I will post more signs and symptoms of deficiencies in the future. I’d love to know if you have had any and feel or see a difference now that you are taking a supplement.
Speak to you soon,