Cassandra Bodzak has been on my podcast in the past and this time we are discussing her new book, Manifesting Through Meditation: 100 Guided Practices to Harness the Power of Your Thoughts and Create the Life You Want.
Her book offers 100 meditations for so many of your desires! From relationships to business and ones to release any blocks you may have to getting the thing you really want in your life.
She also talks about when and how to meditate. I’ve given myself a challenge of meditating every single day. Are you up for the challenge?
More about Cassandra Bodzak
Cassandra Bodzak is a thought leader, best-selling author and sought after speaker in the mindfulness and personal development world. She has been called “an award winning thought leader and intuitive coach” in Forbes and “a spiritual leader” by Well + Good. Cassandra helps heal women from the fear that’s holding them back so they can live their happiest, most confident lives. She is regularly appearing on TV and digital platforms to share her holistic and mindful living tips. Cassandra hosts sold out lectures and group coaching experiences to help women all over the world implement the tools and techniques to transform their lives. You may have seen Cassandra on ABC’s The Taste with Anthony Bourdain as the ‘happy, healthy living guru’ or in her work with SHAPE, Eating Well, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, Thrive, Fabletics, Lululemon, SoulCycle and many more.
To learn more visit her website
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