A Peek Into My Everyday Life

I adopted this from a recent magazine and it gives you a little peek into my life and my home.

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My Breast Scare

What would you do the day you suddenly feel a breast lump? Ignore it, make an appointment to see your GYN, keep checking and rechecking, or sink into depression or panic? Well, the day I found this lump on my left breast, I panicked. I kept examining the area repeatedly.  I had felt something very…

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Who Do You Turn To?

  While commuting home one day from Grand Central Terminal, I glanced over to another train that was headed in the same direction. I happened to notice the depth of facial expressions on those commuter’s faces. Some were sad, some were busy on their phones or computers, and others were in mid-conversation. The ones deep…

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5 Ways to Not Get The Flu This Season

It’s flu season people and there is so much hype about the strain this year. Here are a few tips to have you avoid coming down with the flu. I get asked if I get the flu shot and the answer is no. It may be appropriate for those who are elderly or who are easily susceptible…

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How to Thrive Amidst Despair

How does one become a thriver? You know, someone that thrives despite unfortunate circumstances. Thrive: to grow, progress, succeed, flourish regardless of any diverse situations. When you are not thriving you are wilting. Stagnant. Lackluster. If you are in the midst of a chronic illness, recovering from one, or just dealing with daily responsibilities like…

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